Dr. Jae Webb 

Constructive Student Feedback

This feedback from students in Entrepreneurship led to the implementation of group accountability measures; including regular progress check-ins and greater weight given to group peer evaluations on grading and contributions:

    • "The business plan project in an online environment is too difficult to do as a group project" - MGMT 3850 Fall 2018
    • "Half the members of my group project didn't show up for most of our meetings" - MGMT 3850 Fall 2018
    • "Online classes are horrible places for group projects! Drop it!" - MGMT 3850 Summer 2018
    • "It was completely unfair that some members of our team got credit for the b-plan project when they did almost nothing to help the group out" - MGMT 3850 Fall 2018
This feedback from students in Business Ethics led to additional focus being put on application of ethical frameworks relative to current events in the business world; specifically highlighting real word consequences to ethical decisions.

    • "I didn’t find the class to be very intellectually stimulating. There were a few topics that I found interesting but most of it was a boring and not really useful." MGMT 5710 Fall 2018
    • "The class was unnecessary, and I think more important information could be taught in the program." MGMT 5710 Fall 2018
    • "More present day examples - that way it's easier to apply the topics because those present day examples are (should/might be) fresh on people's minds" MGMT 5710 Fall 2018
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